The Friends Of The MAgi Balthazar
Okay, now I get to talk about my friends. Guys if I say anything that pisses you off, give me a hollar and I'll change it. Now if I don't mention you don't get pissed, it just means that I don't have a picture of you or I haven't gotten around to writing about you. Sorry.

Now, let the games begin...

1st we have Alana Graziano. Alana is someone I really care/worry about and is very special too me. We really only met over the last summer, in which we spent a lot of time together. She is attending Kzoo and has her own web site too. She's a great cook and is a lot of fun. She even got me to consider being a vegitarien.(Who knows how to spell that) One way of descibing her is a treehugger, which is a personal favorite of her bothers. But if you go by that I'm guilty as well. Anyways here is her picture. She's almost as cute as Scooby.

The next person that I am going to talk about is Aaron Kiaser. Unfortunatly I don't have a picture of him at this moment in time, but should be getting one soon. Aaron is my best bud, we spend most of our time together spilling our guts to eachother and trying to figure out the mysteries of the world. Contrary to popular believe we do not spend all of our time summoning up the creatures of the abyss, just most of it. That's a joke for those people who lack a sense of humor. Right now Aaron is going to Penn State studying to be some weird guy that makes money. I met Aaron back in my freshman year of High School where my friend Ryan Tecco, who I will talk about later introduced me to him. We found that we shared quite a few interest, including, roleplaying, writing, and some other stuff. He has a really cool mom, because she feeds me whenever I go to his house, and I think a really cool dad, I really don't know him too well. He also has a odd little brother that tends to stay out of the way. But the coolest two of the household, other than Aaron, are Toes and Roger. Toes and Roger are two cats that wander the house sleeping and eating, what a life.

John Lockwood, where to begin. John is my militant friend, you could say. He has a unique way of saying what is on his mind. Then by ways of some strange charm that he has, he doesn't get slapped, beaten, or punished in some other way. John is the guy that you talk to if you have any questions when it comes to killing something. He loves to hunt and be in the outdoors. Right now he is attending Eastern Michigan and is part of their ROTC program which he loves. Well, here is his picture. I can't think of anything else to say right now.

 More to come...